Monday, August 31, 2009
Great Weekends...
As I'd mentioned earlier on my previous entry, the weekdays really SUXS big time BUT............ the weekends came to be a perfect remedy for the week. It all started on...................
Friday night, after I'd break my fast, went to AMK to meet up with Zaf, Fuad & Alvin to play L4D AH! L4D AH!!. I reached there around 8:15pm waiting for them. Too bad that I can't call any of them coz my line is suspended temporary since last week due to overwhelming and overdued phone bills. I could only receive incoming calls/texts. Finally they arrived at 9pm... only to find the shop crowded. We waited for the girl to call us BUT.............. we'd finally given up hope coz she called us at around 10pm+... We walked towards McDeez near AMK Hub and pak2 there until 11pm+
The next day was quiet a bit heinous and hettic coz................ I tk puasa!! WHAT THA!! I mean, I went to meet up with Jimmy at around 1pm. Once I reached there, I begin to buka by lighting up my cigarette and buy a drink (AEY HAUSLARRRR...!!!) and open up my laptop and watch WRESTLING AH! WRESTLING AH!! at a void deck behind his block. Jimmy also buka with me by drinking and smoke..... and watch Wrestling together ah! ½ and hour later, Zaf called me and came to meet us up... He also tk puasa.... and watch Wrestling with us together. The "good" thing was, we only drink and smoke... except for eating! Ahakz!
Me and Jimmy went up to put both my laptop and Zaf's helmet at Jimmy's crib. We pak2 at a shack nearby before heading over to Thomson to watch E.D. jam. Upon reaching at the bus stop, Aif, Ira and Irzad (Aif & Jimmy's ex-campmate) were there. We went into the jamming studio after that while waiting for Kid. (Refer to Aif's blog FMD)
Yesterday, I meet up with Sam to accompany him to Tampines Central CC for an iftar with the MPs and residents there. We reached there early around 3pm+. Shai was there too as there were some actings before the iftar commence at 7:11pm. At 8:30pm, me, Sam & Shai walked towards McDeez located at Tampines West CC as both me and Shai are still hungry... The food at the iftar macam siket arr... At around 10pm+, me and Sam took a cab back to Bedok Reservoir... and me, took Bus No. 87 back home. Great weekends btw! Ahakz!
Well, I'm looking for a pretty good week ahead then!
Friday, August 28, 2009
5 Freaking Days of Boredom
Good morning to all who're still awake or waiting for the morning sahur. For me, I'm immune to it; staying up late at night and do-dunno-what. My buka time is like my sahur (usually I woke up around 6pm+) and my sahur is the time when I'm like a hungry ghost, ahakz!... Like right now... Damn starving! And FTR, I've break the record for rotting at home for the past 5 FREAKING, BLOODY, UNFORGIVEN, GOD-DAMN SON-OF-A-M***A F*****G A*****E DAYS having headaches on the second 2 nights coz I've not been smoking since last Saturday night. In fact, the last time I'm out was on that night with Aif going for solat Terawih BUT in the end............. only God knows. I pray and hope that today won't be the same just like that 5 FREAKING DAYS OF BOREDOM...
Anyway, today is the 7th day of fasting and I'm counting to 22 more days before Aidil Fitri, ahakz! I've already made my baju kurung for this year's Raya........... BUT I haven't collected it. Insyallah, maybe next week if I'd enough money, I'll pay the full amount.
I'm just waiting for my big day next week (something you know, I know but everybody doesn't know.. so, we'll just keep it to ourselves) and Insyallah, next February/March 2010...
Well, sorry if this entry is a bit short but these are all the updates that I've updated... So, enjoy your sahur!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'd just came back from Toa Payoh where I took my training course. It's a 4 hours training and eventhough it's nothing much rather than introduction and theory lessons, it was fun. We got to interact with our colleagues... and of course, I got to make new friends too! Ahakz!
Intially I thought the training starts at 5pm.... but instead, it starts at 6pm! So from Toa Payoh Interchange, I walked towards this small road (Lorong 4 Toa Payoh) and wait for one of the ladies to bring me up to the office. Actually it wasn't really an office... just like those rooms filled with computers and headset so that you'll be able to communicate with the customers. Finally I've found out that I'll be a Pizza Hut (and sometimes a KFC) operator. Ahakz!
When I came into the room, I was abit scared of the stuffs there until I'd managed to pull it off. Then came in 4 ladies (the supervisors) all kakak2 and makcik2 (naseb baek tkde minah2) type. Oh yah! One of the supervisors looks like........................ my ex!!!! WHAT THA!!! And the best part, she pretty fond of me as in well........ you know...... stuffs like that???? I mean... on the training-wise itself ah.. Ahakz! Luckily she taught us after our second half..... and my eyes are always focusing on her... reminding of "her"........... BUT, the main difference is she has a very very loud voice. Bet that she could scream till the glasses crack and break! Ahakz!
Then there's this guy who looks like J** (the full name/real name shall not be mentioned to protect the innocent/respect the deceased)... Only difference, he doesn't have a goatee... but have a soft voice and very slow in talking... Laughing is still loud as per normal.
After training which ends at 10pm, me and my new colleague, Terry walked towards Toa Payoh MRT before we hi2 bye2 each other. I went to the interchange to wait for Bus No. 88. Well, I'm looking forward for the next night's training program which is going to be more practical.... and hopeful fun & eye-catching again!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Eve of Liberation

This picture was taken in 1991 when I was in En-Naeem Kindergarten. Back then, I was in K2. All thanks to 2 of my ex-kindergarten mates: Jufri & Osman... Thanks for uploading the pic & tagging me in FB... Kenangan lamer giler beb!! Ahakz!
Today, I have no plans... Maybe meeting Jimmy later at night to uploads some vidz from my laptop... I'd just realised that my friendship between Jimmy, Niza & Rafi are getting closer & closer day by day... apart from Sam & Zaf. We joke around here and there like there's nobody's business. Well, I just hope that Sam could recover fast from his injury.... so that he could join in the fun just like we had before! I could no longer see him bound on a wheelchair....
Anyway, tomorrow is Sunday + a public holiday the next day = loads of FUN!! On Tuesday, I'll begin my training before facing my job. Supposingly, it's Monday to Friday but since Monday is a PH, they'll start on Tuesday instead. FTR, you'll get paid for attending the training. WOW!
So I'll end here....... and would like to wish ya'll a HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! HAPPY 44TH BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!! The patriotism is in me now!!!
Ok bye!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Animal Cruelty
A very goooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning to all on a Saturday morning... and the first day of a new month. Well, time flies pretty fast and soon, we'll be facing Ramadan (insyallah) in about 3 weeks.... but most importantly in a month's time, we'll be facing................................. try and guess what is it. For those who knows it, just keep it to yourself and let them find out on their own.
Anyway, today I won't be blogging much... just to touch on the topic about animals. Recently, I'd received an email from Jimmy about a "cooking competition" in China (I'd forgotten what's the title of that email) whereby the chefs are to prepare and cook exotic and yet, common animals within a minute. One of the animals was a snake which was slightly skinned alive.... and chopped into pieces. It's still slithering eventhough it's been chopped. Another was a fish... which was half-fried and served. It's still alive though.
Just now, I received another email about animal cruelty and a link... and it's in China again! (Fucking Chinamen bastards!!) Should you go to the link, you will see 3 pictures of animals being skinned alive for furs. Above is a video on how the animal was tortured.
Now why do those bastards need to flay those poor creatures for money? And they're importing the furs to other countries especially to the US. I've point out 3 points...
- They're importing the furs for money to the benefit of their own government besides relying on their natural resorces
- They're making all products and merchandise "MADE IN CHINA"
- They're funding to the PLA (People's Liberation Army)
Why do they have to commit such monstrosities for their own benefit.... unless if there's dire need for the furs for winter etc... And the best part, why consuming exotic food? It is true but a friend once told me (no offence people) that Chinese (mainly in China) are the worst Asians apart from Japanese, Koreans, Mongols, etc.
I'll just let you to decide on it.........