This picture was taken in 1991 when I was in En-Naeem Kindergarten. Back then, I was in K2. All thanks to 2 of my ex-kindergarten mates: Jufri & Osman... Thanks for uploading the pic & tagging me in FB... Kenangan lamer giler beb!! Ahakz!
Today, I have no plans... Maybe meeting Jimmy later at night to uploads some vidz from my laptop... I'd just realised that my friendship between Jimmy, Niza & Rafi are getting closer & closer day by day... apart from Sam & Zaf. We joke around here and there like there's nobody's business. Well, I just hope that Sam could recover fast from his injury.... so that he could join in the fun just like we had before! I could no longer see him bound on a wheelchair....
Anyway, tomorrow is Sunday + a public holiday the next day = loads of FUN!! On Tuesday, I'll begin my training before facing my job. Supposingly, it's Monday to Friday but since Monday is a PH, they'll start on Tuesday instead. FTR, you'll get paid for attending the training. WOW!
So I'll end here....... and would like to wish ya'll a HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! HAPPY 44TH BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!! The patriotism is in me now!!!
Ok bye!!!
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