Friday, June 12, 2009



Ahakz! I'm getting pretty used to using "Ahakz" ever since Aif started it! It's the Aif's plague being unleashed I guessed! Or probably a revolution.... or maybe an evolution... ahakz whatever!
Anyway, I'm kindda pissed with this "site" (the site shall not be named to protect the innocent/the fooled.... unless if you know which site am I referring to) which gives me the cheque recently... and guessed what, I've had finally abandoned it for good.... and thanks ehk for wasting my time there for I-don't-know-how-many-minutes-or probably HOURS there... Seems like I'd like to take whatever I said/praised the site for in my previous entry ahakz! Screwed it lah!

Fortunately there's still hope, I've found 2 new sites (Check out the banners above).... and it's up to you whether you'd wanna join it or otherwise. I've earned quite a lot from these sites since last month... just waiting for the right time to withdraw them ahakz! (Ask/email me should you have any enquires/doubts) By the way, I'm just testing these sites whether they're reliable or not... which means that I won't be putting high hopes onto them.... and hopefully, they'll not end up like that nenek-kau-punye-p**i busuk site... Haiz!

Well, I'm looking forward for the Bali trip by either Oct/end of the year which Zaf had planned it earlier. Intially, he'd planned to go to Bandung... but rumours has it, it's pretty bored.. only a shoppers' paradise.... and so forth, we'd planned to go to Bali instead where that's the real paradise ahakz! Insyallah by then, I've got enough money to go there with Aif, Zaf, Fitri, Emmy.... and Man ahakz! It's been 15 years since I've got onto a plane... and the last trip was Padang, Indonesia.

Alright dudes & dudettes, I'll chao first... anything call/text/email me ahakz! Perangai matrep siak ahakz!

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