Wednesday, March 25, 2009


FTR (for the record), I've made some minor changes here but the major change is the URL above.... except for the entire wallpaper/graphics..

Recently/just now, I went into Friendster and I wouldn't thought of using it anymore coz honestly, it's boring (eventhough I can change the layout there) and there's becoming alot of.... well.... you'll see for yourselves when you go there (keyword: people)... and for now, I'd preferred using both Facebook (eventhough I can't change the damn layout) and MySpace...... and oh, did I forgot to mentioned MyPage5? It's the latest and cooless social networking site...... that pays you for referring friends, uploading photos/songs/videos, updating blogs and much much more.

So enjoy reading, have a goodnyte rest afterwards and tc.. Chaoweeeeeeeezzzoooo..!!

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