Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Don of the new age!


Or should I say HELLO again to all in Italian? It's been a month or less than a week since the last time I've blogged. What more can I say, I'm a busy man now (hehe).. well, too busy to even share a story about my life and nonsense for the last few weeks and what I'd been up too. Frankly speaking, I'm busy now and I mean literally.. but thank God that I've nothing to do and I'm being spared to blog. I'm sure you'd feel the same way as I do if you're in my shoes/boots/slippers/whatever they called it nowadays. If you guys/girls don't know what the fuck (with the voice of an old Italian man doing like what the Indian man's hand sign when they wanna go and eat *if you'd watched Russell Peters' shows*) I'm talking about, I'm currently working and have been employed for the past 3 weeks. Gotten my salary, and it's finishing pretty soon (haha..!!) Life's great here but I don't know how long will this "greatness" lasts. Well, hope that I could stick up to this job till my contract ends. :)

Anyways, last Saturday, me, Arep M. (Aif) and his "eva-wonderful", Ira, Salleh (Yakub), Fashihah, featuring Jimmy (Ignis) ah eh! went to catch Saw V (not Saw Vee, not Saw Six, not See-Saw but..... Saw 5, just that I'm using the Roman numerals) @ where?? If you're thinking PSP, I think you should go home right now, lock yourself up in your filthy and smelly room and play your fucking PSP but if you'd think it's @ PS (Plaza Singapura), you're RIGHT!! Well, it's been awhile since the last time I'd watched gore/R-ratted... I mean R-rated movies but I should think that Saw V is the bears... Again, I mean best compared to the previous ones.

Initially, we'd planned to watched @ PS but instead, we went to check out @ The Cathay. After seeing that the movie timing of Saw V was "outrageous" (timing was around 10pm till twilight), we went back to PS and bought the tickets for 6 @ 7:30pm. We waited for Fash to meet us @ PS but sadly, it's her first. She said she was @ the MRT control station on the other side so we waited for her before the pedestrian. When she'd finally met us, we went to the Kopitiam @ PS and dine. While we're ordering food and drinks, Jimmy ah eh! comes in to join the clique. After eating, we went out for a puff while the 2 girls remain seated. We went to catch the show afterwards.

After the show, we went to the carpark and have a puff when Zaf called Arep and asked maneng kaowww? He wants to meet us up around PS and after that, to Arab St. for a shisha. Jimmy was separated as he wants to head down to Clarke Quay. Then Zaf arrives and we followed him to The Cathay cause he wants to draw some cash. Then We went to take 2 separate cabs there. Upon arriving @ Pahang St. (which is somewhere in Arab St. but actually, it's a Malaysian state not an Arab state), we waited for the "couple" to arrive outside a nearby 7-11 store. When they'd arrived, we went inside Amirah's Grill and asked for a private room upstairs. We settled there till before 12:30am as both Ira and Fash need to go home asap. So the 6 of us went separate ways; Arep went to send the 2 girls back in Yishun, me, Zaf and Salleh went to hang around @ Arep's block till he arrives here.

When he'd arrived, we went to the nearest coffeeshop and settled down. Salleh told us he got to cabot already cause he's kindda sleepy, tired and have to wake up morning as we're gonna have breakfast @ Jalan Kayu. After a few minutes and a few puffs later, we also cabot and went to ton @ Arep's crib. The 2 of them slept except for me.

The next morning (Sunday), I went home for awhile, just to put my stuffs and head back to Arep's. I called Salleh that we'll meet up first @ Arep's. When Salleh arrives, the 2 of them were still sleeping in which a few moments later, Arep wokes and then, Zaf. We left the house @ 10am..... and Zaf got his bike prac in ½ hours time, meaning that he won't be joining us for breakfast @ Jalan Kayu. We took a cab for 2 places; SCDC @ YCK and Jalan Kayu. We drop him there and head over to Jalan Kayu. Upon arriving, we settled down and called the waiter for the menu. Rudely, the waiter says that there's no menu for breakfast and walks away. :( The 3 of us (me, Arep and Salleh) were damned pissed. I mean, what kindda of fucking waiter is this? Well, @ least he'd say "Sorry sir but we don't have the menu for breakfast"... now isn't that pleasant? I don't think he deserves to be a fucking waiter @ all!!! Anyways, we called for another waiter to take our order.

After we had done, we waited @ the bus stop to take Bus No. 86 to AMK Ave 6 to play LAN but at last, we decided to drop @ YCK MRT Station to wait for Zaf to finish his bike prac. After nearly 2 hours of waiting, motivating Salleh and tolerating his nonsense (initially his (Zaf) bike prac was supposed to finish around 12+, but in the end, it exceeded 1pm), we decided to take Bus No. 13 to AMK w/o him depending if he could meet us before the bus arrives. Finally he made it and we took the bus to AMK. Upon arriving, we went to the nearest hawker center to bought some drinks for ourselves. During that time, we met Jimmy's parents @ Banquet. So we bought the drinks for them too. After talking to them, we decided to cancel our LAN shit and head over to Jimmy's crib. We went there by foot and along the way, we do all kindda foolish nonsense shit. The journey from AMK Ave 6 to AMK Ave 5 (Jimmy's crib) was fucking heinous especially under the hot sun. Finally, we'd arrived only to rest there for awhile before going up to Jimmy's. Upon arriving, we rest there again until the clock ticks to 3pm, I decided to head back home cause I was fucking physically faggot to the core (ie. tired). Both me and Salleh took a cab home as it was about to rain.

Well... I guessed that's it for today and I hoped that I'm not writing an essay nor a compo cause I think it's gonna be a fucking long one. If I don't blogged now, then someone will continue to prompt me and say "Update your fucking blog lah!" I hope you know who you are. :)

I ringraziamenti per leggere! (Thanks for reading!) ^_^